Monday, July 23, 2007

Kindness Counts
Notice — and encourage — your child's random acts of kindness.
By Becky Bailey Ph.D November , 2006

A young mother strokes her screaming infant's head as her family waits on what seems to be the slowest restaurant service in the world. A harried waitress approaches the table with a smile and stoops to pick up the napkin that 4-year-old Samuel has tossed to the floor for the umpteenth time. Samuel sits up tall, kisses his crying sister on the head, and announces, "Mommy wants her food! Now!"

Please read the rest! FIND KINDNESS HERE.

A parent's words carry a great deal of power. Becky Bailey's article is very exact in what
to say when you noticing a kind action and the words a parent chooses make a great impact on how the compliment is received. I'd love you to read her whole article so that you are better able to respond in kindess!

If you are interested in reading more like this then go get Alfie Kohn's book "Punish by Rewards".

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