Monday, February 4, 2008

Claire may have to stay home with us forever because I can't figure out all this taxes stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She tells me the paper work is due on the 15th of this month for the financial aid forms for one of the schools to which she's applying.

I am consumed by numbers that don't add up. I'm easily distracted. And easily set off! (Is this a parenting test?)

So when you all are down to the wire of April 15th I will be skipping and singing and twirling because I will be all done.

But on the lines of distractions: I'm speaking to the catechists (and others) at St. Francis Church from 10-noon this Saturday. The topic is Opening Children to Learning: What's going on in their brain?

You will hear passion.....Children and related favorite topic!

Wish me peace.
ps. the person in the photo above has not neglected the rest of her house and family like I have. What IS for dinner anyway?

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